This is to certify that Mr./Ms. _______________________, a student of __________________ School, interned at our company's ________________________ (department) from _______ year _______ month _______ day to _______ year _______ month _______ day. During the internship period, their work was proactive and their performance outstanding.

Internship Appraisal:

The student demonstrated a serious and diligent work ethic during the internship period. They displayed eagerness to learn, were diligent and perseverant, and showed a proactive attitude. When encountering challenges, they were humble enough to seek advice from experienced colleagues, exhibited critical thinking skills, and efficiently addressed problems. They were receptive to work-related suggestions from others and continuously improved. They effectively applied the knowledge they acquired in school to practical work, ensuring the completion of tasks with quality and quantity. Additionally, the student adhered strictly to the company's rules and regulations, maintained good attendance throughout the internship period, worked harmoniously with colleagues, and received positive feedback from fellow employees.

This is to certify accordingly!

Internship Organization: ___________________________

(Signature of Internship Organization): ___________________________

Date: _____ month _____ day _____ year