Template Highlights

  • Automatically tracks salary information for each department
  • Allows detailed salary inquiries for any employee using their employee ID.
  • Accurate calculations facilitated by tax settings.

This template includes a total of 11 sheets, including "Home," "Salary Slip," "Annual Salary Form," "Monthly Salary Form," "Attendance Exception Report," "Bonus Statistics Report," "Deduction Records," "Employee Information," "Tax Settings," "Employee Salary Query," and "Parameter Settings."

For instance, the "Salary Slip" page is designed for easy printing and distribution.

The "Annual Salary Form" provides comprehensive details on pre-tax and post-tax earnings.

The "Monthly Salary Form" allows you to select different months for separate statistics using a drop-down menu.

The "Tax Settings" page enables you to calculate tax scenarios based on a tax setting table.

The "Employee Salary Query" page is a query interface that allows you to look up salary details for any employee by their employee ID.

  • Detail Illustration

  • Recommended Users: Human Resources and Finance Departments.