Time: February 10, xxxx - February 16, xxxx

Location: Beijing XX community

Participants: Jack, Anna

💪 Monday, February 10

  • Introduction to whole body training with bare hands for 17 minutes
  • Stretch for 6 minutes

Weight record: kg

💪 Tuesday, February 11

  • Shoulder and neck stretch for 13 minutes
  • 12 minutes of back stretch

Weight record: kg

😇 Wednesday, February 12


Weight record: kg

😇 Thursday, February 13


Weight record: kg

💪 Friday, February 14

  • Get started with free-hand sculpting in 11 minutes
  • Stretch for 6 minutes
  • Relax your muscles for 6 minutes

Weight record: kg

😇 Saturday, February 15


Weight record: kg

💪 Sunday, February 16

  • Get started with free-hand sculpting in 11 minutes
  • Stretch for 6 minutes
  • Relax your muscles for 6 minutes

Weight record: kg