1. Basic Information

Target Product

Fill in the name of the product

Experience Version

Record the product version of the experience

Experience Equipment

Record the equipment used

Experience Time

Record the experience time

2. Product Information

  • Product Type:
  • Product Position:

3. Market Analysis

  1. Industry Environment
From the policy tendency, technological development, economic and social environment changes to elaborate the industry environment
  • Technology: describes the breakthroughs and bottlenecks in the technology development
  • ......

  1. Market Size
  • The current market size...
  • The future market size...

四、User Analysis

  1. User Size
Describes the current user size of the product

  1. User Population
Categorize users from different dimensions to summarize typical user requirements scenarios

  1. User Portraits
From the angle of gender, age, consumption ability, interest distribution, etc.

5. Product Analysis

  1. Product Structure Diagram
Directly insert product structure diagram, comprehensively display product information and function structure

  1. Product Key Functions

Key Function 1

Describe the experience, advantages, disadvantages and suggestions of this function
  • Usage Experience: describe the usage steps and the resulting experience
  • ......

Key Function 2

Describe the experience, advantages, disadvantages and suggestions of this function
  • Usage Experience: describe the usage steps and usage experience
  • ......

6. Summary

From the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats and other angles, the overall summary of the product



  1. Describe the advantages of the product
  1. ......
  1. Describe the disadvantage of the product
  1. ......



  1. Describe opportunities the product may faceDescribe opportunities the product may face
  1. ......
  1. Describe possible threats to the product
  1. ......