Template Highlights

  • OKR management method, involving all team members in customizing their individual work plans, providing clear objectives, and fostering seamless collaboration.
  • Supports multi-user collaborative editing, real-time updates, eliminating the need for repetitive communication through social media or email.
  • Efficient synchronization of development progress, shared demand scheduling among teams, ensuring complete awareness of progress among programmers.


This is a comprehensive office template designed for larger research and development teams, offering an OKR work framework template that includes a 'Task Board,' 'Requirement Management Sheet,' and 'Gantt Chart.' It's particularly suitable for team managers to manage the entire team's work.


  1. Team Task Board

The team task board combines team work plans, project progress, and calendars in a visual interface that allows managers to have a complete overview of all project tasks.

This board can be used during weekly meetings to review last week's work, allocate tasks for the coming week, and facilitate early communication to ensure efficient and high-quality project progress.



  1. Requirement Management Sheet

In conjunction with the OKR management method, all team members are required to participate in customizing their own work plans. In the Requirement Management Sheet, information is shared among all members, allowing individuals to clarify their work objectives and understand the tasks of their colleagues, facilitating efficient collaboration in the future.


(Note: The content filled in this sheet will be automatically synchronized with the Task Board and Gantt Chart.)



  1. Project Gantt Chart (Auto-generated)
  • The Project Gantt Chart is suitable for daily meetings, allowing us to visually track the current progress of tasks and make timely adjustments as needed.
  • After filling out the task details in the Requirement Management Sheet, the Gantt Chart is automatically generated. The timestamps are also updated daily without the need for manual adjustments.



  • Detail Illustration




  • Recommended Users: Product development professionals, suitable for medium to large teams