1. Time

Type in the preparation time and activity time here
  • Preparation: Month Day, Year - Month Day, Year
  • Time: Month Day, Year - Month Day, Year

2. Objectives

Please fill in the goals you wish to achieve here, and it is recommended to quantify the objectives. You can enter "@+filename" to insert relevant documents from Shimo cloud file.



Data Indicators

Month Day, Year - Month Day, Year 

Get more exposure

Get 50W + exposure







3. Goods

Please fill in the products participating in this event, the participation in the activity, and the desired sales objectives at this location.



Original Price

Promotional Price

Expected Sales Quantity

Expected Sales Revenue

Participating Event







Time to kill







Cross-shop full reduction







Free coupons







Buy two get one free







Buy three get one free

4. Rules

Enter the activity rule here
  1. Rule 1: describe specific rules
  1. Rule 2: ......

5. Process

Activity flowcharts can be inserted directly

6. Division of Labor

Create a task list, enter the division of activities, you can type ”@+ name” to refer to the responsible person, insert the deadline.
  • Task 1: Describe specific tasks,people in chargr: @XXX, deadline: 2022年1月20日, 周四2022年1月20日
  • Task 2: ......