1. Specification Update Log

Record the update time and content of this specification, so that others can understand the details of the specification changes

Update Date

Update People

Update Instructions

XX Month XX Day XXXX year


Update background & target section



2. Background and Objective

  1. Background
  • Test business importance:
  • Test business differences:
  • Test ability:

  1. Objective
  • Describe the core objectives of the test, such as improving stability and experience
  • ......
  • ......

3. Process Overview



Version Development

Step 1 > Step 2 > Step 3

Version Testing


Version Online


Flow Chart

A flowchart can be inserted

4. Implementation Details

Describes how to execute the test process. Enter "@+ filename" to insert the relevant shimo cloud file
  1. Testing Principles
  1. Windows:
  1. macOS:
  1. Linux:
  1. Testing Time
  1. Test Method
  1. ......