One-on-one conversation records with employees, peers, and superiors can be documented and continuously accumulated. Participants can jot down the topics they wish to discuss in advance, covering aspects related to individual performance, team dynamics, and project matters.

How to do it:

  1. Set up a circular calendar, communication frequency can be according to the needs of weekly, biweekly or monthly.
  1. Document record, you can see the change.
  1. The communication process focuses on facts, feelings, inspirations, and intentions to ensure that each issue is clear and responsive.

Communication Date: XX Month XX Day

Personal Thoughts

You can record your work thoughts and plans here.
  1. Write down your work thoughts and plans
  1. ......


You can document ideas and plans based on teamwork here.
  1. Write down ideas and plans for teamwork
  1. ......


Project Name

Project Description


Major Outputs

Project File

Item 1

Make a brief project description, including project background, objectives, etc.

Fill out the project collaboration team

List major project outputs

You can type "@+ filename" to insert the shimo cloud file

Item 2

Item 3


Record the communication questions and answers here.



  1. ......
  1. ......
  1. ......
  1. ......

Communication Date: XX Month XX Day

Personal Thoughts

You can record your work thoughts and plans here.
  1. Write down your work thoughts and plans
  1. ......


You can document ideas and plans based on teamwork here.
  1. Write down ideas and plans for teamwork
  1. ......


Project Name

Project Description


Major Outputs

Project File

Item 1

Make a brief project description, including project background, objectives, etc.

Fill out the project collaboration team

List major project outputs

You can type "@+ filename" to insert the shimo cloud file

Item 2

Item 3


Record the communication questions and answers here.



  1. ......
  1. ......
  1. ......
  1. ......

Communication Date: XX Month XX Day

Personal Thoughts

You can record your work thoughts and plans here.
  1. Write down your work thoughts and plans
  1. ......


You can document ideas and plans based on teamwork here.
  1. Write down ideas and plans for teamwork
  1. ......


Project Name

Project Description


Major Outputs

Project File

Item 1

Make a brief project description, including project background, objectives, etc.

Fill out the project collaboration team

List major project outputs

You can type "@+ filename" to insert the shimo cloud file

Item 2

Item 3


Record the communication questions and answers here.



  1. ......
  1. ......
  1. ......
  1. ......