Template Highlights

  • Invoices records are automatically synchronized, making it convenient to query the invoice status for a specific period.
  • It also automatically calculates the number of pending invoices. The departmental invoices can be synchronized with the finance department, and the spreadsheet will automatically calculate the pending invoices.


Usage Instructions:

  1. Invoice Records

Fill in your department's details in the "Invoice Records" and then synchronize this sheet with the finance department. Finance colleagues will complete the remaining sections based on the actual situation (e.g., whether the customer has received the invoice, etc.). Once all sections are filled, the top-left corner of the sheet will automatically calculate the pending invoice count.


  1. Data Dashboard

Data from the "Invoice Records" is automatically synchronized to the "Data Dashboard," where team members can easily check the invoice status for a specific period. This dashboard can also be used to display important invoice information for employees to view and store important documents.



Recommended for users with invoice management needs.