1. Requirements Background

Introduce the background and reasons of the project to help the author of the article understand the background, you can enter "@+file name" to insert the relevant shimo cloud file

2. Requirements Brief

You can enter "@+person's name" to mention the person in charge

Demand-side Division of Labor

Production Division of Labor

Expected Word Count

Expected Style

Expected Time

Distribution Channels

Brief Description:

3. Workload and Scheduling

The completion time node and the responsible person can be inserted in each to-do

To-do List



Outline Confirmation

You can type "@+ name" to refer to the responsible person

2021年12月22日, 周三2021年12月22日

Specific Tasks


4. Key Points





Promotional short video (30s)

You can type "@+ filename" to insert the relevant shimo cloud file





5. Related Document

  • Word Reference:
  • Copy Specifications:
  • Relevant Data:
  • References:

6. Finished Product and Feedback

  1. Draft Review
Directly insert shimo cloud document, click to enter the document, raise questions and modify comments through comments in the article

Summary of Amendments:

The completion time node and the responsible person can be inserted in each to-do
  • List the key points of the activity @xxx,2021年12月29日, 周三 17:00 (UTC+8)2021年12月29日 17:00 (UTC+8)
  • State the specific amendments @xxx,2021年12月29日, 周三 17:00 (UTC+8)2021年12月29日 17:00 (UTC+8)
  • ......

  1. Final Draft Confirmation
You can insert shimo cloud document directly