1. Project Information

Review Time:

Requirement PRD: insert a link to the relevant document


Responsible PM:@石小墨

Responsible Designer:

Related personnel:

Review Objective: Indicate whether the meeting is a divergence meeting or a decision-making meeting

2. Design Background and Objectives

Design Background:

Indicates the background of the design requirements, current design status, or known problems and related inputs

Clear Objective:

Identify the problem the design needs to solve, and the goal you want to achieve

3. Competitor analysis

Through the research competitors related design, thinking about the reasons behind the design
  1. Competior Comparison


Competitor Design

Competitor Analysis

Enter the name of the competition

Insert the design draft of the competition

Record the background of the competition, analyze the presentation of the design draft, and the relative advantages and disadvantages

  1. Conclusion
This paper expounds the key conclusions obtained through competitive product analysis

4. Design execution

The designer explains the relevant design ideas

  1. Design Solution Output

Option 1

Design Manuscript


Design Presentation:

Please consider the extreme

Programme Description:

A brief introduction

Reviewed Points:

Unspecified details

Option 2

Design Manuscript


Design Presentation:

Please consider the extreme

Programme Description:

A brief introduction

Reviewed Points:

Unspecified details

  1. Dynamic Demo

Option 1

Option 2



  1. Vote
Voting by filling out a form provides a clearer picture of why other voters have chosen the option


Voting Option


5. Meeting Minutes

2021年1月18日, 周一2021年1月18日

  • Conclusion
  • Record key meeting conclusion
  • ......
  • To-do List
  • Document the next action
  • ......

2020年10月14日, 周三2020年10月14日

  • Conclusion
  • Record key meeting conclusion
  • ......
  • To-do List
  • Specify specific tasks, @XXX, insert expected completion time
  • ......

6. Final Design

Design Manuscript Source File

Design draft naming requirements: product name_requirements nam_designer time

Zeplin Address


Cut Diagram Package

Icon naming requirements: icon_scope_name_status

(Example: icon_global_setting_nor)

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Web
  • Desktop


  • Lottie
  • SVG