Odin 2组装教程
2022年8月31日 更新

Odin V2 Mechanical keyboard building tutorial

测试PCB Test your PCB before you build your keyboard.

1,浏览器打开https://usevia.app/#/, 点击Key tester,改键位也同样使用这个网页

open the online VIA by link: https://usevia.app/#/ to test your PCB, click Key tester to start


Connect your PCB to the PC and test all the hot-swap sockets with a tweezer by holding the metal parts shown in the picture below. If the key is functional it will turn red on the VIA key tester. If there is no response from your key tester it means that hot-swap socket might be defective.

组装卫星轴 Modify the Stabilizers




卫星轴剪脚 Clip your Stabilizer stem leg

需要剪掉轴心脚两端 Clip your Stabilizer stem leg

润滑卫星轴 Lube the Stabilizers

需要润滑轴心四壁,还有卫星轴钢丝卡扣处 Make sure to lube the four sides of the stabilizer stem, and corner of the wires.

轴下垫安装 Place the switch foam

EVA轴下垫铺在PCB上,注意对好轴孔的位置,轴下垫未开轴脚孔,这是正常的,直接怼进去就好了,很薄没事 Place the EVA switch foam on the PCB, make sure to aim the position right with the hole for switches.

安装卫星轴 Place the stabilizer shims on


垫片的使用方法:用剪刀剪下,垫在卫星轴的下面,再锁紧螺丝 This is the shim for 1.2mm PCB only. You have to install them under your stabilizers before tightening them with screws.

安装卫星轴螺丝垫片 Place the washers for your stabilizers


Make sure to put on the washers before you tighten the screws for your stabilizers.


Allover vision after finishing all the stabilizer installations


Friendly Reminder: make sure all the stabilizers are well installed before you put the plate on it.

安装夹层静音泡棉 Place the PCB foam on


place the Poron PCB foam on the PCB, and make sure it fits in well.

安装定位板 Place the plate on


Place two plates in their position, as in the picture shown below.

安装硅胶套 Insert the gasket socks on


Insert the gasket socks on the plate, as shown in the picture below.


Allover vision after inserting all the gasket socks

安装轴体 Install the switches on


Check the switch pins before you install them on the PCB; make sure all the pins are not bent. Test it one more time with the VIA key tester. After finishing the installation, make sure they are functional.

安装子母板 Install the daughterboard


Connect the daughterboard with the JST Cable and tighten it with screws on the daughterboard panel.

安装子母板模块到外壳 Install the daughterboard panel in its position


Lock the daughterboard panel in its position, as in the picture shown below.

安装底壳静音棉 Place the case foam on


Place the case foam on the bottom keyboard case, and make sure the JST cable can pass through it.


Install the barebone to the bottom case


After connecting the JST cable with the daughterboard, install the barebone to the bottom case, and make sure all the gasket socks fit the slot on the bottom case.

安装上壳并锁好底壳螺丝 Install the upper keyboard case


At last, put on the rubber feet on the bottom case and finish the entire build.