KBD67 Lite Bluetooth Version Tutorial
2021年3月10日 更新

Instructions for this keymap editor

(which is for creating new bin file)

1. Select your keyboard (https://ydkb.iofrom upper(not top) left corner. If the keyboard supports multiple layouts, click the Circle icon on the left to select your layout.

2. If you are creating a Bin file for the first time, you can ignore this step. Go directly to the third step. After the selection, through READ KEYMAP, you can choose Upload file to upload your previous downloaded firmware to read its keymap.

3. To set a key, click the key you want to modify, and then Press a key on your hardware keyboard, or select from the virtual keyboard below. For special keys such as FN key, LED lights, multimedia mouse button, and so on, please choose them from the virtual keyboard.

4. When finish your keymap setting, in the upper right corner download drop menu, click DL .xxx FILE(xxx is the format of the firmware) to download the new firmware. In "GUIDE AND INFO" tab, there shows how to reflash the current keyboard.

5. In Download drop menu, through "Get shared-url", you can get a long link or short link to save or share your current keymap settings.

YD67BLE Flash Guide

Reflash Firmware:

1.Press and hold the top-left key(generally ESC), insert the USB cable. The OS shows a disk drive named "YD67BLE" and the key can be released now.

Win: Drag the downloaded "YD67BLE.BIN" into the disk to just overwrite the original file(important). Then eject the disk or press Esc once to exit.

Mac: You need to completely delete "YD67BLE.BIN" (move it to the trash and Empty the trash)before copying it into the disk.

2.No need to install any drivers or software. You can also directly upload your "YD67BLE.BIN" to the website to read the current settings of the keyboard.

If the keyboard is not recognized by the unsuccessful refresh, turn off the battery switch and re-enter the flash mode to reflash the firmware correctly.

Bluetooth adapter recommended:Click

Tips: Press lshift+rshift+b to restart the keyboard. If immediately pressing and holding the ESC key, Keyboard can enter the flash mode.

Note: The Num, Caps, and Scroll Lock indicators are not synchronous with the OS status in Bluetooth mode. They just toggle on or off when pressed.

If one indicator is out of sync, you can use Shift + KEY, such as Shift + Capslock. In this way, CapsLock will take effect but its indicator won't change.

How to switch between Bluetooth devices

For the wireless version, if you want to connect to another device, please disconnect the current one first for more information: https://ydkb.io/help/#/en/ble-series/device-switching

Battery specifications

  • Recommended battery purchase link:Click 
  • The battery interface model is PH2.0
  • Lithium polymer battery
  • Voltage 3.7V